Intuitive Strategic Planning

Careers That Rely Heavily on Good Intuition

Everyone in the world has intuition. It’s just that some people have learned to silence their internal sources when making choices in life. Intuition is also called our ‘gut feeling’. It’s characterized beautifully when you make a choice based on a feeling and find out later that it was the right choice. This happens a lot when we sense danger and move just before an accident would have happened.

That natural source of information is part of what makes us human. We can hone in on our ability to sense and make a choice based on more than in any other animal in the world. Luckily for us, those who have a strong sense of intuition can find room in the workforce to help others.

Careers Meant for the Intuitive

Not all careers are created equal, as we all know. Likewise, there are some careers that require a better and stronger intuition than the normal person. The best careers for Intuitivism usually require some element of mystery or human interaction. All of these are great options for intuitive people because they rely heavily on reading other people and making suggestions based on those readings. Consider these:

  • Lawyer
  • Sociologist
  • Psychologist
  • Political Scientist
  • Counselors
  • Life Coach

To Get A Stronger Intuition

Intuition, like all skills, requires refining to use it to its fullest extent. We are born with it, sure. However, as we grow up, we are told more and more to reject it in favor of empirical evidence. Sometimes this process results in snuffing out the capacity to even hear our intuitions. This means that as we age, we need to spend more time thinking critically about our abilities and working on the connection we have to all of our senses.

In order to have the strongest possible intuition, you should use it as frequently as possible. That allows you to learn how it speaks to you. This, in addition to directed meditation, helps to reform, rebuild, and properly mold the understanding between you and your intuition source. For help and tips on how to do that, give me a call to set up an appointment. My name is Mel Doerr, and I am one of the nations’ leading providers of intuitive counseling and guidance. Give me a call to get set on the right track for your needs.

Mel Doerr

Published by
Mel Doerr

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