
What is Clairvoyance All About?

Clairvoyance means “clear seeing,” a psychic ability that essentially means people can use their intuition and spiritual eye to receive more subtle information. Someone who claims to be clairvoyant is someone who can “see” the future or sense what is going to happen in ways that most people can’t. But, what does it really mean and does it actually work? Here’s what you need to know.

Clairvoyance works by using the spiritual eye, which is the 6th chakra, or third eye. This is an energy center located in the middle of the brain. In addition to our five senses, the body also has several psychic senses that can be tapped into to get a better experience in the world around us.

Clairvoyant people are just like everyone else, basically. They aren’t born into amazing psychic powers or the ability to change things with their mind. Anyone can develop these abilities with the right practice and training.

Clairvoyance is just one psychic ability. There are many others that people may experience, as well. Think of it like food—there are tons of different types of foods out there. There are also many different psychic abilities and experiences that people can display or report in their lifetime. This includes everything from “clear seeing” to telepathy, channeling, and so much more.

People who are clairvoyant claim to be able to use their spiritual abilities to “see” the future and anticipate what’s to come. They may also be able to see things about people’s lives and experiences that can help them make decisions and/or move forward in the future.

This is a practiced skill that takes time and effort to indulge. Some people are naturally more clairvoyant than others or display other psychic abilities, but training and spiritual connection can strengthen all of the skills and abilities just the same. The four “Clair” elements include:

  • Clairvoyance (seeing)
  • Clairaudience (hearing voices)
  • Clairsentience (recognizing feelings)
  • Claircognizance (knowing)

A person may have one or more of these abilities and they may choose to hone them all or to focus on one particular aspect over another. If someone says they are clairvoyant, there is no real “way” to check to see if they are telling the truth. However, you can research their background and experience, and get to know more about them, so that you choose the right medium or psychic abilities based on the needs that you have.

Mel Doerr

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